Goals of the Week: Set up a routine that works

Goal of the week: set up a routine that works for you.

Let's get going!

This week’s goal is to set up a study routine that you can use during this course. 

Of course, this may change throughout the course, as you try it out and discover things might not work out how you wanted. This is all part of the process and will help you tailor the best routine for you--stay present, open, and flexible! Most importantly, be gentle and patient with yourself.

We will review best practices for learning and look through various options and ideas for routines you can implement--some of these are from previous students of mine who came up with what best fit their lifestyles.

Here is your checklist for the week:

  • Understand best practices for learning.
  • Review a variety of options to implement to your routine.
  • Write down your own routine, share it with others in the comments, and implement it the following week.

Time estimate: 1 hour (split into 1-2 learning sessions).

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