Recycle another routine

Hopefully by now you have a few resources handy and are getting excited to start the process of adding Spanish to your every day.

You have motivation, ideas, and resources. The next step is figuring out a consistent time for you to commit to this process.

The best way to guarantee the short review sessions, at least at the beginning, is to couple it with another daily routine you have.

Here are some ideas from my current and previous students:
  • While you drink your coffee in the morning.
  • While you walk your dog in the morning.
  • While you read the newspaper/daily review.
  • While you brush your teeth.
  • While you wash the dishes/load the dishwasher.
  • While you tidy up your house.
  • While you go for a run.
  • While you lie down to get ready for bed.
  • While you commute to work/drive your kids to school.
  • While you take your lunch break at work.

The most important thing is to choose something that you do at least 5 (though there's nothing wrong with all 7) days of the week.

Do you have an idea? Great!

📍 Now, set an alarm on your phone (or a physical alarm clock if you use one!) for the time of day you do that at with a note, "¡Español, por favor!" This will serve as your reminder the first week. Once it becomes as much of your routine as the routine you choose to incorporate it into, you can delete the alarm reminder.

Remember: be flexible. Maybe the first week you realize that your coffee routine is a little more inconsistent than you thought, or your brain does not work as sharply until after coffee. No problem--just switch to a different time or routine structure until you find one that betters your day.

✏️ When you have an idea: write it down in the comments below--other people may find your idea helpful to their process and I can add it for future students!

In the next lesson, I will share some videos and ideas for a 5 minute session that you can start whenever you are ready!

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